Take Care of your Feet

When buying work out shoes, they should feel comfortable from the first step.

Shop in the evening as your feet swell during the day and stop in the late afternoon, so you want to shop when they're at their biggest.

Also make sure the sneaks are a little roomy, enough so that you can wiggle your toes, but no more than that.

They should be comfy from the get-go, don't compromise on that because you don't want them being your next excuse as to why you can't work out today! ;-)

Don't Forget the Fat!

Fact of the matter is, our brain and body need fats to function properly. In our weight obsessed culture we've all but banned "fat" from our lives, but truth is, you will feel better, think more efficiently and even lose weight faster if you include fats in your diet.

Foods with healthy fats such as olives, salmon and walnuts help you feel satisfied and ease cravings for more unhealthy fats.

I personally love avocado and use it in place of mayonnaise on sandwiches and olive oil is truly worth the higher cost over corn or vegetable oils. So stock your pantry with this healthy oil and perhaps a few jars of the whole olives too!


Morning is best for an energizing yoga-based workout that includes forward bends, reaching for the ceiling and push-ups. You can devote as little as seven minutes to yoga every morning and it will help focus the mind and provides an adrenaline boost.

Personally I feel differently all day long if I've stretched in the morning, it really is a little thing that provides a big kick!

The internet is loaded with easy yoga based routines find one that fits you today!

Dieting in Reverse

Rather than have a list of foods you should avoid, have a list of foods you must have every day and don't allow yourself anything not on the list until you've finished it.

I do this and by the time I eat the amount of healthy food I put on the list, I'm so satisfied, I don't have a desire for anything else. ;-)

Be Specific and Be Positive

The Law of attraction is a powerful tool, but one of the ways it can go awry is with weight loss.

The universe doesn't speak a language, it speaks energy and when all we focus on is the amount of weight we wish to lose and we hold a picture in our heads of what we don't want to look like, all the universe is reading is that you want to constantly have weight to lose and you want to stay the larger size you're focused on.

Believe me, the universe does rise up to give you what you want, so be focused and positive, but have the end result in mind!

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