Primal Eating

I've learned over the past few months that the best way for me to continue on my path of loosing weight is to focus on it and make it a priority for a couple of weeks, then just go into maintaining mode for two or three weeks.

Yes, ultimately this means it'll take longer to lose all the weight... in theory though. Because I have quite a bit still to lose and having to focus on it constantly for months upon months takes up a lot of my bandwidth and stresses me out which in turn mucks with my weight loss and I inevitably drop the ball anyway, then the guilt comes in and I gain weight... it's a vicious circle!

Also, lets be realistic I have more on my plate than the state of my waist line and I don't do any of those things justice while i"m actively attempting to lose weight, so for me, this two week on, two weeks off thing is working!

The other thing I've been doing is every time I go back to losing, I change up the plan so I don't get bored. I'm about to start another two week segment tomorrow and this time I'm doing something I'm calling, Primal Eating.

Essentially for the next two weeks, I'm not eating anything I can't eat with my fingers. I figure this keeps me directed more towards fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, some meat, but no sauces, rice, pasta, anything sticky or gooey... my only exceptions are eggs, oatmeal, and yogurt because I refuse to eat those with my fingers!

It may seem silly, but it's just got me thinking about eating fresh foods in their natural state as much as possible and if I can keep my mind there, then the weight falls off without work just because of the way I'm fueling my body.

Lets face it, losing weight is a pain in the ass, but totally doable. I just believe in taking it as it comes, not taking it so seriously and having fun with it. I'm actively losing weight regularly and I'm getting healthier  At the end of the day, what else matters?

So two weeks of eating with my fingers... hee hee I'm gonna have fun with this! :)

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