Two years ago I started to intentionally try to change my body. I
intentionally focused on health and exercise and losing the weight I had
gained over the twenty years prior and I lost 80 pounds, which was
about half way to my full goal. Last year, the journey stalled as I
moved to a new city and started a new life and had many, many new
challenges thrown at me. I don't know how it is for you, but weight
loss takes a concerted effort on my part and requires focus. I just
didn't have the bandwidth to apply focus to my weight loss journey last
This year however, it has been brought back to me as a priority and I have taken a few weeks to set up my plans and get my focus back on line and after several weeks of hit and miss and trying this and that, last Sunday I snapped into place and I'm off and running!
It was actually rather strange, when I stepped on the scale today, it was different than all the other times in the last year I'd stepped on the scale. All those other times, I was just keeping an eye on myself. I had an "upper number" in my head and so long as the scale wasn't too close to it, I was happy. Because of that my weight has been circling the same ten pounds for the last year. Today when I stepped on the scale and saw the three and a half pound loss, I knew that was three and a half pounds I would never put back on.
By next week I'll have left that ten pound safety net I've been living in all year and I can't wait to see it get further and further into the distance.
I'll be chronicling my journey again, as I find it helpful to keep track of it like this and I hope it can encourage or inspire your own journey to a healthier, sexier, happier you. I know there's a lot of controversy over just loving who you are and accepting your body for what it is, but I'm sorry, I find that school of thought somewhat insulting. I can love my body and not be happy with where it's at. This body is a lie to my soul. I am not supposed to weigh this much and every fiber of my being knows it. How can I live and authentic life when my appearance, my shell, lies?
For me, I have to lose this weight, because I have a vision for my life and in that vision, I am a much smaller size!
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